✨ Feeling GOOD is your birthright.✨
Feb 24, 2022It's OK if feeling good doesn't quite feel normal to your system.
You might start to wonder, 'Honestly WHAT is wrong with me?' when doubt, anxiety, and fear start to creep into days where you were otherwise FEELING YOSELF.
There is NOTHING wrong with you.
Months or years of living in survival mode (lol looking at you pandemia) can shift your system so that the sympathetic (anxious, on edge, hyper-vigilant) or dorsal vagal (collapsed, overwhelmed, heavy, and depressed) states feel like your 'normal' baseline.
Your system simply hasn't adjusted to its new normal. Your subconscious may not yet trust that it's safe for you to feel THIS good.
Coming back to feeling good, to pleasure, to joy, to a presence that feels safe and spacious, is a returning to your body and your truth.
You are worthy of feeling GOOD.
There is no rush, no linear process, no timeline to your healing.
If you're feeling GOOD today, check in with your body for a hot second and remind her that it's safe for you to feel this way.
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