I Fell Into THIS Trap – Here’s How You Can Avoid It
Oct 31, 2021Yesterday was one of those days.
I woke up and my head was straight SWIRLING with example after example of how every area of my life was sad, mediocre, a total disaster, and especially how it was all my fault.
You know the kind of day that I'm talking about?
Maybe you notice this only on 'bad days' when something disappointing happens. Maybe you're starting to notice that this self-deprecating tornado is a regular visitor.
When you have a desire deep down inside of you to create something beautiful with your life...
To change the world by your being here...
To soak up present time with the people you love and to create meaningful work...
That same burning desire that will push you to move mountains can transform on our worst days into the self-critical, never-enough boogie man of nightmares.
The problem isn't the desire - that desire is YOURS for a reason. You are quite literally the only person who can execute it the way you're meant to.
The problem is the way we've been taught we have to achieve, fulfill, and pursue that desire.
It's where I was yesterday.
I'd gotten SOOO excited and committed to my desires and dreams that for a hot second I let that mean I should achieve all of my goals ASAP and should do whatever was needed to make it happen.
I was going to heal my body, rehab my ankle that's had problems since high school, make several new and super deep friendships, overhaul my relationship with my husband, and grow my business x 10.
And if I didn't see progress on all of it in a week I was a failure.
Instead of allowing myself the time and space to take this at my own pace - for a moment there, all those old stories took over.
Stories that have been passed down to every single one of us from a racist, patriarchal culture like:
- My worth is dependent on my productivity
- I shouldn't need this much time to rest
- Progress is linear, if I'm not seeing immediate improvements it must be me.
- The harder I work the more success I'll have
Fortunately, I'm well versed in these stories. After sitting in my little shame spiral for a bit, I turned to my tools.
I invited compassion in. I moved energy through my body. I recognized these stories as my subconscious doing its best to protect me as I move into bigger and bolder territory. I thanked it and reminded myself of what I KNOW to be true.
I sat in the darkness and then watched as my inner light extinguished every shred of doubt, fear, and self-criticism.
I reconnected with my vision, my desires, and re-centered with a MANAGEABLE plan to make every single one of them happen.
And I'm sharing this story today to remind you that:
a) We're human. Having moments or days of inner tornados says nothing about your worth, capability, or your raw unadulterated power. We don't have to be 'on,' happy, or ready to go all the time - I'm certainly not.
b) The old model of leadership is OUT. The old way of BEING we've been taught and modeled - hustle harder, stuff down your feelings, push through, produce at all costs, and motivate with criticism doesn't work.
I mean, it works for a small percentage of white, able-bodied, highly privileged men.
For the rest of us - who are here to shine, it's time for a new model.
You get to lead, pursue your wildly beautiful life and you get to feel good doing it.
It's time for you to embody YOU, your power, your dreams, your compassion, your light in every area of your life.
In the way you show up and care for yourself.
In the way you deepen relationships allowing your full self to be seen and easily asking for your needs to be met.
In the way that you delegate what's not yours to do and pour yourself into the world that lights you up.
I teach trauma-informed mental wellness that meets sensitive leaders in their full humanity and empowers them to get out of their heads and shine their unique light.
Oh, and I do it with tangible tools and practices that work with your subconscious and physiology, not just motivational moments.
Whether we work together in one on one coaching or in the Rebel Alchemy Club, I'm here to help you shine brighter than you ever have and feel better than you ever have doing it.
You deserve to feel good.
Also, like no pressure but the world needs you shining your full light now more than ever.
Apply here for a free coaching call to see how we can get you out of your head and into your full power today.
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