Is This What’s Keeping You Stuck?
Oct 14, 2021You know that you're here to create something BIG in your life.
Whether it's healing generational trauma, raising kids in a way that honors all of them, making sure your work has real-world impacts, or helping your community - being a leader is something that runs deep in your veins.
The only problem is that the inner burning desire for MORE can feel like a double-edged sword.
Sensitive leaders (myself included) are so immersed in 'white bro self-development, toxic positivity, hustle culture' that it's got us thinking that we're the problem.
No matter how hard we work or how much we produce we come back again and again to thinking we're not enough.
The problem isn't you.
It's not that you need to work harder, be more self-disciplined or get your shit together.
The problem is our sensitive bodies struggle to push and hustle 24/7 in our modern world without getting wildly dysregulated aka our stress response systems are turned on ALL the time keeping us chronically just surviving instead of thriving.
The problem is we were never taught or modeled the emotional and mental wellness basics that allow us to easily move uncomfortable feelings through us so they don't take over.
The problem is a culture that's taught us we're supposed to produce and be 'at our best' 24/7, 365 days a year while taking as little time as possible to care for ourselves, speaking our truth as little as possible.
This may be what we were taught, modeled, and the standard we see most adults settling for.
But guess what?
You DO get to feel calm, confident, and authentically you. On a DAILY basis.
You DO get to nourish yourself, cultivate authentic relationships, and show up consistently for the work that matters most to you.
Despite things having 'always felt this way' and never having been modeled something different.
How do we get out of our heads, honor our mental wellness and get to show up consistently in our power?
We get to solve this problem easily by intentionally working on these 3 main pillars;
- EMBRACE all of who you already are
- Shed the BS
- Calm the F Down
- Nurture Yourself
- EXPERIENCE the depths of your wisdom
- Operate from Within
- Deepen Resilience
- Embrace Trust
- EMBODY your enoughness in every area
- Radicalize Self-Care
- Wear Your Crown
- Own Your Genius
You deserve to feel good.
Also, like no pressure but the world needs you shining your full light now more than ever.
Apply here for a free coaching call to see how we can get you out of your head and into your full power today.
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