The Worst Question You Can Ask Yourself
Oct 31, 2021You know those days where you're straight SWIRLING in your head?
The times where you know you're intelligent but really start to doubt it cause your brain is feeling more like a mushy, blob of irrational and nonhelpful emotions?
It's frustrating AF - the more you try to think you're way out of it (the way you're used to solving problems), the more swirly you feel.
This is a theme that's been coming up a lot lately with my private coaching clients.
A) One woman came into a session beating herself up for not making a decision between two new job opportunities. Instead of jumping right in she was feeling stuck and overwhelmed with what this choice means about her and her new career.
B) Another was swirling in her 'poor' relationship choices, judging herself for 'self-sabotaging. She was frustrated with herself for wasting her time with people that weren't meeting her expectations and not choosing more self-loving options.
C) Another woman is a new mom working so hard to balance taking care of her baby, herself, and to show up in her work and relationships. She was swirling through familiar old stories of not being, doing, or trying hard enough.
The common theme that emerged for each of these women?
They were sitting, swirling and ruminating on the question, 'Why?'
Why am I like this?
Why is this so hard for me?
Why don't I make better choices?
Why do I always end up here?
Why, why why?
Why is certainly a helpful question to sit with, in the right circumstances and for certain periods of time.
However, when we're sitting on it, siwrling in it, trying our hardest to think our way through to a solution that explains and fixes everything - the question WHY quickly becomes an anxiety spiral of doom.
If you're reading this realizing that you too have been spiraling in your own little WHY storm - this isn't to shame or blame you.
'Why' is a natural question our mind will offer.
AND your work as a leader here to impact the world with your light is to:
1) Notice the thoughts your mind offers on a moment by moment basis
2) Observe how those thoughts make you feel
3) Intentionally reframe and choose the most empowering, focusing, embodied action-driving ones
When we moved my clients OUT of the why spiral, back into their bodies, and into a place of compassionate, intentional, curiosity...
Client A reconnected with her vision - her overarching desires and dreams for her career, the impact she wants to create, and exactly how she wants that to look. From there she leaned into her already developed strengths around decision making to choose the path that is most aligned with her vision.
Client B identified some of the limiting stories she's been carrying around relationships as well as the ways she's been 'self-sabotaging' to protect herself. She was able to identify exactly what she IS looking for and excitedly got to work to start calling that person in.
Client C was able to practice such deep self-compassion and acceptance for all that's she's juggling. She learned a new practice that immediately allowed her to reset and access her own wisdom and brilliance.
If you know that you're here to shine your light...
To cultivate deep, authentic relationships, and meaninful work. To care for yourself and feel energized and present when you're with family, playing, and exploring the world...
Getting OUT of your head and INTO the power (that's already within you) is the way.
>>>>Questions to Sit With <<<<
- When I'm feeling stressed, stuck, or overwhelmed what questions do I ask myself?
- Where have I been going down the 'Why' spiral? How is that working for me?
- What empowering, focusing, energy-giving thoughts and stories can I intentionally choose today? What's stopping me from choosing them?
If you're ready to reclaim your total enoughness, experience your inner wisdom, and fully embody your power...I'm ready to guide, love on, and support the F out of you.
Apply here for a free coaching call to see how we can get you out of your head and shining your light today.
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