Your Feelings Are NOT Always Valid
Oct 31, 2021Don't come at me before reading further, but yes I said what I said.
Your feelings are NOT always valid.
If you've noticed me consistently urge powerful women to actually allow and experience the full range of their feelings, this might sound confusing.
So let me explain.
Your feelings are powerful guides. They are messengers from your body, mind, and soul here to let you know what serves you most, what you most desire and need, and what is true and authentic to you as a unique human being.
It's why I work with so many women to help them stop numbing, running from, and pushing through their feelings.
My clients learn to embody loving acceptance of their feelings. To notice emotions in their bodies. To learn from them and move them through their systems so they don't build up, threatening to bubble over at a minute's notice.
Learning to operate from within, to hold space for whatever painful, 'negative' or challenging emotions may arise is what allows powerful, resilient women to make choices aligned with their most authentic selves and to keep showing up for what matters most.
You can trust, honor and allow your feelings.
And that still doesn't mean they're always valid.
The word valid is defined as - adjective, (of an argument or point) having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent.
While your feelings are powerful, insightful, and real experiences happening to you, requiring no explanation or justification, they do NOT always have a sound basis in logic or fact.
A thought or limiting belief that's triggered such as 'This always happens to me. Why is nothing I do ever enough?', can leave you feeling hopeless or defeated.
While hopelessness and defeat are feelings that are present (TRUE), the thought may not necessarily be true (NOT VALID).
A thought or limiting belief that says 'Ugh, what's his problem? He doesn't respect me and never has.', may result in feeling angry or sad.
Anger and sadness are real emotions present in your experience.
The story may or may not be true or have a sound basis.
Your feelings and emotions are real experiences in your emotional, energetic, and physical body. They are here to be explored and observed without judgment or shame.
The thoughts, beliefs, and stories that cause them are not always valid.
Why is this so important?
Honoring, accepting, and experience your feelings without always trusting or becoming attached to the stories that accompany them is what allows you to show up authentically, consistently, and in alignment, with your highest self.
Imagine what would open up in your life if you knew that you could:
- Make the decision that honors your deepest desires, not your fears
- Set and maintain a boundary even when it feels uncomfortable
- Ask for what you really need instead of believing it's too much
- Get that scar-citing project done w/o procrastinating till the last minute
- Prioritize your mental + physical health over work or family obligations
Powerful, resilient, compelled leaders honor and accept their feelings as they arise.
They notice, observe and question the accompanying stories.
And they celebrate as their lives shift, change, and unfold into their unique, purpose-filled, light shining journeys.
>>>>Questions to Sit With <<<<
- What's stopping me from compassionately sitting with and exploring my feelings? What am I afraid this might uncover or unleash?
- What disempowering stories have I been believing? What thoughts or beliefs have I been accepting as truth?
- How would my self-care, relationships, and work look and feel different if I didn't always assume the accompanying story was true?
Helping sensitive leaders get out of their heads and into their full power so they can shine their light is my superpower.
If you're ready to reclaim your total enoughness, experience your inner wisdom, and fully embody your power...I'm ready to guide, love on, and support the F out of you.
Apply here for a free coaching call to see how we can get you out of your head and shining your light today.
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